Vision, Mission and Business Strategy


Improve the lives of significant numbers of households at the bottom 25% of the population by income in Indonesia. MBK wants to reduce the vulnerability of low-income households, enhance their dignity and confidence, and empower women. In doing so, MBK’s objective is to contribute to the government’s goals of meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in fighting poverty and empowering women.


Provide access to formal and cost-effective working capital to significant numbers of low-income women who are un-banked at the moment, particularly in rural areas and small towns, in an honest, fair, timely and efficient manner. In addition, by also providing financing to housewives who are currently unemployed, MBK aims to create significant self-employment opportunities.

3.Business Strategy for Financial Year 2022

(a) Working Capital Financing

- Continue to implement the Grameen Bank business model to target low-income households and provide women with working capital without collateral at their doorstep, using group-based financing.

- Provide individual financing without collateral to women who have graduated from the group-based financing model and who have entrepreneurial ability and ambition.

(b) Water and Sanitation

Continue to provide financing at a subsidized rate and without collateral to low-income households who do not have adequate water and sanitation facilities to improve their health and hygiene, and provide a safe environment particularly for women.

(c)Improvement of Business Premises

Continue to provide financing without collateral to low-income households who need to renovate their business premises (including water and sanitation) to improve their working environment and raise their productivity.